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Quantum Computing Fundamentals

  • CL-QCF
  • 3 days
  • Qiskit


As the field of quantum computing continues to evolve and advance, there is a growing need for professionals with the knowledge and skills to tackle the complex challenges and opportunities it presents.

This comprehensive course is designed to provide participants with a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles and practical applications of quantum computing. Through a blend of theoretical and hands-on learning, participants will gain a deep appreciation for the potential of this cutting-edge technology and be equipped with the skills needed to make a real impact in the field.

Whether you are a researcher, engineer, or simply interested in this exciting and rapidly evolving field, this course offers a unique and valuable opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the quantum era.

Participants attending this course will

  • Gain the skills to accurately calculate the probabilities of quantum states
  • Obtain the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively illustrate quantum bits
  • Have the ability to write quantum circuits using the Qiskit language
  • Become proficient in utilizing the Quantum Computer of IBM


  • Introduction to quantum computing
  • Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
  • Bloch sphere
  • IBM Quantum
  • Entanglement
  • Quantum Gates
  • No Cloning Theorem
  • Quantum algorithms
  • Programming in Qiskit

Course information


Matrix multiplication, vectors, complex numbers



Delivery methods

Onsite / Virtual classroom

Table of contents

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Introduction to Quantum Computing
    • Introduction of the course
    • Motivations behind quantum computing
      • What is it?
      • Quantum history - Classical physics is not enough!
      • Quantum Manifesto (EU)
      • Quantum Flagship (EU)
      • 2019: Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor
      • IBM Quantum Experience
      • Motivation
      • But there are limitations
    • Description of a Quantum Phenomenon
      • Mach-Zehnder interferometer
      • Double-slit experiment
      • Elitzur–Vaidman bomb tester experiment
        • Elitzur–Vaidman bomb tester experiment - ingredients
        • Elitzur–Vaidman bomb tester experiment - outcomes
        • Elitzur–Vaidman bomb tester experiment – lessons learned
  • The Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
    • Four postulates
    • Quantum bits (qubits)
      • 1st postulate in details - qubit
      • Quantum bit (qubit)
      • Quantum bit with real probability amplitudes
      • Important qubits
      • Quantum bit with complex probability amplitudes
      • Qubits in practice
      • Bloch Sphere Simulator
    • Quantum registers (quregisters)
      • 4th postulate in details - quantum register
      • What is a tensor product?
      • Matrix Multiplication
      • Matrix Exponentiation
      • How to calculate square of matrix A
      • Transponent of a matrix
      • Tensor product in practice - example
      • Quantum registers
    • Quantum gates
      • 2nd postulate in details
      • Unitary transformation
      • Sidenote: mathematical background
      • Sidenote: mathematical beckground - inner and outer product
      • How does a quantum gate look like?
    • Extracting information from quantum registers (Measurements)
      • 3rd postulate in details
      • 3rd postulate using ket notations
      • Projective measurement
        • How to calculate measurement operators?
        • How to write the measurement operators?
        • Completeness relation
        • Projective measurement - practical notation
        • 3rd postulate in case of projective measurement
        • How measurement works?
        • Measurement using computational basis states
        • Repeated projective measurement
        • What is randomness?
        • How to create projective measurement?
  • IBM Quantum
    • Entanglement
      • Decomposition exercise
      • Entangled states
      • Difference between product and entangled states
      • How does it work?
      • What does entanglement mean?
      • Famous entanglement pairs
      • How to produce entangled pairs?
      • Changing the bases of an entangled pair
    • Implementation examples for qubits
      • Physical qubits
      • Di Vincenzo criteria
      • Superconducting qubits
        • Pros and cons
      • Trapped ions
        • Pros and cons
      • Photonic qubits
        • Pros and cons
    • Elements of classical digital technology
      • Logical gates and circuits
        • Classical digital system
        • Inverter (NOT gate)
        • Classical gates
        • Boolean circuit
        • Circuits
      • Synchronous Sequential circuits
        • Flip-flop
        • Why is the clock important?
        • Synchronous logic
        • Classical register vs quantum register
        • CPU, GPU, QPU
    • Quantum Gates
      • One Qubit Gates
        • Identity gate
        • Pauli X gate, or bit-flip gate
        • Pauli Z gate, or phase-flip gate
        • Pauli Y gate
        • Pauli gates and the Bloch sphere
        • Phase rotator gate
        • Hadamard gate
      • Two (or more) Qubits Gates
        • n-qubit Hadamard gate
        • Controlled NOT gate (CNOT gate)
        • Controlled Z gate (CZ gate)
        • SWAP gate
        • Toffoli gate ("controlled-controlled-not" gate)
        • Toffoli gate and Hadamard gate
        • Fredkin gate
        • CNOT gate
        • Bell state generator
        • Generalized quantum entangler
        • Remarks
        • How to create entangled qubits physically? - An example
    • Quantum Circuit Model
      • Quantum Circuit: Overview
      • The beam-splitter experiment
        • The experiment with gates
    • How to prepare a superposition?
      • Preparing an arbitrary quantum state
    • No cloning theorem
      • No Cloning Theorem - Proof
    • Quantum Algorithms
      • Receipt of quantum algorithm design
      • Initialization
      • Quantum parallelism
      • Amplitude amplification
      • Measurement
      • Classical post-processing
      • Algorithms with polynomial speedup
        • Polynomial time vs exponential time
        • Polynomials with multiple exponents
        • Properties of quantum algorithms with polynomial speedup
      • Grover's algorithm
        • Problem formulation
        • Receipt of quantum algorithm design
        • Quantum algorithm/circuit
        • Amplitude amplification
        • Measurement
        • Geometrical interpretation
        • Error probability
        • Post-processing
        • Computational complexity
    • Quantum Algorithms
      • Algorithms with superpolynomial speedup
        • Polynomial time vs exponential time
      • The Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithms
        • Problem formulation
        • Quantum algorithm/circuit
        • Initialization
        • Quantum parallelism
        • Amplitude amplification
        • Measurement
        • Post-processing
        • Computational complexity
      • Quantum Fourier Transform
        • Classical Fourier Transform
        • Quantum Fourier Transform
      • Phase estimation
        • Problem formulation
        • Quantum algorithm/circuit
        • Initialization
        • Quantum parallelism
        • Amplitude amplification
        • Measurement
        • Post-processing
        • Computational complexity
        • Non-idealistic case
      • Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm and phase estimation
        • Connection between H and QFT
      • Quantum Counting
        • Problem formulation
        • Application of phase estimation
      • Shor's Algorithms
        • Problem formulation
        • Problem formulation – Symmetric key systems
        • Problem formulation – Asymmetric key systems
        • Problem formulation – the RSA algorithm
        • Shor algorithm – breaking RSA classically
        • Shor algorithm – order finding
        • Shor algorithm – breaking RSA by quantum computing
      • Quantum optimization
        • Quantum optimization – existence testing
        • Quantum optimization – relation testing
        • Quantum optimization
    • Programming Quantum Computers
      • The main approaches
      • Qiskit
        • Quiskit–Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm
        • Quiskit - interactive quantum demos
      • Q#
        • Q# – Grover algorithm
      • IBM Quantum
        • Xanadu Quantum Computer
        • Summary and outlook
          • Post quantum cryptography
          • Quantum communications

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