
"The course is very practical and up to date."

December 2021, Virtual

"Good trainers and good material."

December 2021, Virtual

"Quite cool information on how the 'innocent' line of code could broke the security completely."

December 2021, Virtual

"Exercises well organized. Better than live class room training. I received many interesting points which I need/could use in my every day work."

December 2021, Virtual

"I liked the fact that we were split into 2 smaller groups and that the trainer could see exactly what we were doing during the exercises."

December 2021, Virtual

"Trainer was very experienced and explained in very detail. The content was very good."

October 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"I was getting new knowledge of PKI which was not visible in my previous experience."

October 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"Overall very good introduction to the topic with a good mix of information, illustrations, examples and exercises."

October 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"The course gives overall a good insight about the PKI Infrastructure."

October 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"Discussing the steps of the exercises before execution was a really good approach. This way it was easy to understand what we are doing, and not just copy-pasting things from the slides."

September 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"I liked the online platform and that commands can be tried on raspberry pi HW."

September 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"Real TPM hardware exercises."

September 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"Right mix of theory and exercises."

September 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"The trainer was very knowledgeable and informative about the areas covered, and always offered additional information on other areas. He made the course engaging and made it easy to absorb information."

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"The trainer was very knowledgeable on the subject and provided detailed explanations with examples where necessary."

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"The trainer was very knowledgeable of real world events, explaining how and why they occurred."

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"I enjoy programming a lot, so being given programming tasks was very fun!"

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"It was CL-CHALLenging, trainers were amazing in 1-to-1 conversations and patient with questions."

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"The C CL-CHALLenge was very interesting and got me thinking."

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"I liked the interactivity of the CL-CHALLenge."

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"I enjoyed having a 'proper' project to work on. I liked being able to see how much I had improved my C over the CL-CHALLenge."

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"The technical literacy of the trainers helped me identify issues within my own code. Thus making me a bettter programmer in general."

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"It helped me consider how I write my code from now on."

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"I liked that there were so many trainers available to help, they were very useful and you never had to wait more than 5 minutes for assistance!"

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"The C CL-CHALLenge was definitely a CL-CHALLenge, but with support from the staff, it was very enjoyable."

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"I liked the CL-CHALLenge of having to debug errors and understand C in order to get the code to work, as well as the level of support given."

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"Enjoyed the fast pace and a lot of support provided."

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"I liked how helpful and informative the trainers were."

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"I liked that the CL-CHALLenge was realistic - using and fixing someone else's code. I also liked the number of mentors and the availability of support."

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"The CL-CHALLenge allowed me to delve deeper into C and learn how to think about security of my programs while coding."

July 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"I especially liked the balance between the presentation/technical information and the exercises. The trainer did a really good job in the presentation, explanation, and keeping the subject interesting."

July 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"Detailed exercises, I could try in practice."

July 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"Very good balance between the theory and the exercises."

July 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"The guided exercises were really useful."

July 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"The presentation part contained a lot of valuable information."

July 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"Quality material."

July 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"I liked the interactive, explanatory exercises."

July 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"There is a lot of useful information. The trainer is very professional. He is good at conveying information and answering questions."

May 2021, Virtual, USA

"I've really appreciated the complex information presented by the trainer."

May 2021, Virtual, USA

"The course's material is pretty useful and covers all tech sides of how to secure your data."

May 2021, Virtual, USA

"Trainers are amazing."

May 2021, Virtual, USA

"Well prepared material and good and professional trainers."

May 2021, Virtual, USA

"The course gave an overview of potential risks and we were practicing every vulnerability we discussed."

April 2021, Virtual, USA

"The instructor is knowledgeable and the material matches our needs."

April 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"My favourite was the Payment manipulation part, that was total awesome."

March 2021, Virtual, India

"The secure coding practices helped me get a better understanding of the OWASP Top 10 web application security risks. It definitely provided new insights."

March 2021, Virtual, India

"The training really added new insights to my learning. Especially the secure coding part that helped me understand the OWASP Top 10 Web application security risks better."

March 2021, Virtual, India

"The provided code examples and the simulator environment helped a lot to understand the big picture."

March 2021, Virtual, Switzerland

"Our instructor was very knowledgeable and could easily cope with transferring that knowledge to people with different levels of experience in the presented field."

January 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"Clear examples, exercises in the VM were good, building up from "first principles" helped understanding."

January 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom

"I really liked the pacing, it gives time to explore a lot of subjects without just scratching the surface of them. Other than that I liked a lot the exercises in the VM, very nice addition."

January 2021, Virtual, United Kingdom